
Showing posts from March, 2014

Voyages on the Dawn Treader

I've been listening again to my audiobook of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis, discovering yet another layer of literary and soulish beauty within it. This experience has led me to hear my playlist with new ears, evoking images of the valorous Caspian and his crew as I revisit some of my favorites. "Caelum Infinitum" - Michelle Tumes A shimmering, luminous paean to transcendent adventures in the "eternal maritime" (most likely with Narnians on deck!). "The Dream of the Innocent" - Helen Trevillion A tender but dynamic symphonic voyage to an interior realm of lost innocence (where Narnia will always be the homeland of our imaginations). (NOTE: I've shared this before, but I share it now with this new sentiment.) "The Land of Nod" - Natalie Merchant A gentle, bittersweet anthem that reminds me of the aerial flight of the BBC Chronicles of Narnia theme song and which lyrically evokes the wonders of Narnia and innocently...