
Showing posts from June, 2023

Return to the Shady Groves: June Highlights

Greetings, friends! Years ago, I started a blog in which to share some of my favorite musical discoveries. I would like to revive this blog so I can continue to share my finds with more of my musical friends. Here are some gems I have encountered in the intervening years since my last post (with many more to follow, I hope!). Amelia Warner You might know her as the actress who portrayed Lorna Doone in the BBC miniseries of the same name, but she has since retired from acting and has become a film composer. Her works are deeply soothing, minimalist, modern, and even post-modern but in a very classically-inspired and elegant way... On her concept album Visitors , each track is mean to represent different woman who supposedly once dwelt in the same now-abandoned house. Each of the names seems to have symbolic meaning: "Eve" (the first, creation), "Frances" (Hodgson Burnett, perhaps, author of "The Secret Garden and "The Little Princess"), "Heidi...