July Jewels

As the swelter of high summer in Pensacola has drawn me increasingly indoors, I have felt led to revisit a diverse assortment of classics and old favorites as well as to keep newer musical discoveries on repeat! First, for the old gold… Libera I discovered the British boys choir in the 2000s, and while classical crossover is somewhat less of a novelty than it used to be, some beauty is truly timeless… like in the powerful and meditative “Sancte” https://youtu.be/XpFudAZF1bA The pavane-like quality of the music never fails to comfort me in the depths of my soul. Its Latin lyrics are an invocation of the Holy Spirit; the bridge that begins with a soloist singing “ Creator, mysterium” in a pure boy soprano has often brought a tear to my eye. “Something Sings” is also deeply moving, albeit in a somewhat more haunting way. The lyrics are loosely adapted from a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson called “Music,” which seems to me a meditation on the beauty and goodness of “being” itself, w...